Zoho CRM Plus vs Salesforce

October 25, 2021

Zoho CRM Plus vs Salesforce

When it comes to customer relationship management software, two names rule the market - Zoho CRM Plus and Salesforce. Both offer powerful tools that help businesses manage their customer relationships, and both have their strengths and weaknesses. In this blog post, we will be comparing the two giants of CRM software, and help you decide which one suits your business requirements the most. And yes, we promise to keep the puns coming!

What is Zoho CRM Plus?

Zoho CRM Plus is a customer relationship management platform offered by Zoho Corporation, an Indian software development company. It is a cloud-based service that provides businesses of all sizes with a suite of tools to manage their customer relationships effectively.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM software that serves over 150,000 clients worldwide. It is the oldest and most popular CRM solution worldwide. Salesforce was founded in 1999 and has grown to become a global platform for customer relationship management.

Comparison between Zoho CRM Plus and Salesforce

Here's a detailed comparison between the two CRM giants.


Zoho CRM Plus offers a wide range of tools such as customer support, marketing automation, sales automation, analytics, and inventory management. Salesforce offers these features too but with more advanced tools such as social media monitoring, artificial intelligence tools, custom workflow automation, and more.

User Interface

Zoho offers a user-friendly, simple interface that is easy to navigate. Salesforce, on the other hand, has a more complex interface with many depths and layers of features that can be difficult for beginners to use.


Zoho CRM Plus offers a more budget-friendly solution compared to Salesforce. While both options offer a monthly subscription payment plan, Zoho's pricing ranges from $20 to $100 per user per month depending on the plan. Salesforce, on the other hand, has much higher prices ranging from $25 to $300 per user per month.


Zoho and Salesforce both offer customization options for their users. Zoho, however, provides more flexibility when it comes to customization. Salesforce users need extensive coding knowledge to customize their CRM platform effectively.


Zoho and Salesforce both offer similar support options, including email and chat support, knowledge base articles, and forums. Salesforce, however, provides better phone support options for its users.

Which one should you choose?

Both Zoho CRM Plus and Salesforce have their strengths and weaknesses. If your business requires advanced tools such as social media monitoring or artificial intelligence, then Salesforce is your best bet. However, if you are on a budget and require an easy-to-use CRM platform that offers great customization options, then Zoho CRM Plus would be the ideal choice.


In conclusion, both Zoho CRM Plus and Salesforce are excellent options for businesses looking to manage their customer relationships effectively. As with most CRMs, the choice between the two should be based on the unique needs of your business.

We hope this comparison has been helpful! Happy CRM-ing!


  1. Zoho CRM Plus Pricing
  2. Salesforce Pricing
  3. Zoho CRM Vs. Salesforce: Key Features Comparison

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